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Recovery for Life

Recovery Month is here, and we want to emphasize that recovery is for life. At Discovery Behavioral Health, we believe recovery is not a destination, but a journey and is part of every aspect of your life. This goes for anyone who is recovering from a substance use or eating disorder, or managing a mental health disorder.

Recovery Stories Wall

Get inspired or share your own story.

We want to invite you to share your own journey or encourage those you know to tell their stories.* It’s simple to participate: Send a photo, video, piece of artwork, quote or short message that explains what recovery has meant to your life to [email protected]. From there, we will add it to the Recovery Stories Wall. We will use your first name and last initial unless you request to remain anonymous.

The Recovery Journey

Recovery is a lifelong process. Where are you in this journey?

Feeling Helpless
I feel lost. I feel scared. I don’t know where to turn.

Finding Help
I found a place or person that can help me get through my disorder.

Working to Heal
Through my support system, I’m learning healthy ways to cope, rebuilding relationships and creating goals for myself.

Living a Fulfilled Life
I’m using the skills I learned in treatment to live a healthier life for myself, my family, my friends and my coworkers.

Find a Place to Heal

If you aren’t in recovery but thinking about it, or you are in recovery and are struggling, Discovery Behavioral Health is here to help. From alcohol and drug addictions to mental health and eating disorders, find a program that’s right for you. Call 1-855-777-4769 and ask us about a program that’s right for you.